Friday, November 9, 2012

How do you create your own backyard composting system?

If you want to start making your own compost, whether that’s because you want to be more eco-friendly or whether you want to give your garden regular doses of rich compost but can’t afford to buy the quality that you wish to, then a backyard composting system is the way forward.

What type of composter should I use?

There are various types of composter that you can use to make your compost. If you want to make compost quickly, then a tumbling composter is the composter of choice. This is because it uses active composting, which involves regularly spinning the composting barrel so that air circulates freely through the composting material and so allows the bacteria to break down more quickly than in passive composters.

 What if I want to be more eco-friendly and do not want to use plastic?

You have a couple of options here. The first one is that you have a space in your garden set aside and just start piling your compost materials onto it. You will have to ensure that the contents of the pile are turned regularly to make the materials compost evenly and this can be a smelly and sweaty job, especially as it has to be done regularly. An alternative to this is to use an Eco wooden composter.

What is an eco-wooden composter?

This is basically a wooden frame, which you can build from scrap wood that you have lying around, or you can buy a wooden frame that you build. You then line this frame with a mesh so that the contents of the frame don’t spill out all over the garden. The mesh allows air to circulate through the composting mixture and allows it all to break down into high quality compost.

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